Privacy Policy

Which Data Spotify Provided Us?

    View your Spotify account data

  • Your email
  • The type of Spotify subscription you have, your account country and your settings for explicit content filtering
  • Your name and username, your profile picture, how many followers you have on Spotify and your public playlists
  • View your activity on Spotify

  • Content you have recently played
  • Your top artists and content

Which Data We Store?

  • Your account data which Spotify provides us.
  • Your top 50 tracks and artists data which Spotify provides us.

Use Of Your Data

We use your data to list your top 50 lists. When you generate your lists, your lists are accessible by going that generated URL. Your top lists' data, your Spotify display name and your Spotify profile url will be shown there. Other of your personal data(email, followers etc.) which Spotify provided us, will not be shared to other people.

By signing in with your Spotify account, you will accept that you are allowing us to store your Spotify data. We will store your data until you delete it. For anonimity we are creating unique and different URLs to you for sharing.